LogiPharma US 2014 (past event)

September 16 - 18, 2014

Westin Princeton, Princeton, NJ

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Day 3

08:20 - 08:55 Breakfast & Registration

08:55 - 09:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

09:00 - 09:45 PANEL: Realizing How To Supply Specialty Products In A Cost Effective Way Given Healthcare Budgets Won’t Balloon Anytime Soon

With a large number of blockbuster drugs’ patents expiring in recent years, pharma companies are seeing a significant increase in complexity and risk in their supply chains. Supply chains are shifting from traditional small, molecule, and solid dose products to more bio-engineered, complex, and technical products. These are niche products with a shorter shelf life that require a more sophisticated cold-chain and temperature controlled supply chain with a very specialized customer and patient in mind.

This powerhouse panel will debate how to move products in this new environment.

Alex Hasson, VP Global Logistics at Merck

Alex Hasson

VP Global Logistics

Todd Applebaum, VP of Technical Operations at OvaScience

Todd Applebaum

VP of Technical Operations

Stephen Kovary, Former VP of Operations at Tris Pharma

Stephen Kovary

Former VP of Operations
Tris Pharma

09:45 - 10:05 Re-Engineering The Supply Chain Model for Personalized Medicine

Todd Applebaum, VP of Technical Operations at OvaScience

Todd Applebaum

VP of Technical Operations

10:05 - 10:35 How Current Trends are Shaping the New Healthcare Economy and the 10 Growth Areas of Tomorrow for Business

Jared Weiner, VP at Weiner, Edrich, Brown, Inc.

Jared Weiner

Weiner, Edrich, Brown, Inc.

10:35 - 11:05 Morning Networking Break

11:05 - 11:35 Getting To Grips With Planning In Biologics Including Site Scheduling, Global Planning & Distribution

Carlo Guy, Executive Director Supply Chain (Cell & Gene Therapies) at .

Carlo Guy

Executive Director Supply Chain (Cell & Gene Therapies)

11:35 - 12:05 Unconference Roundtables

Each roundtable nominates a leader and has a discussion about topics bought up in the sessions in the morning. This will be your chance to discuss hot industry topics that you are interested in within a smaller group setting.

12:05 - 12:35 The SmartWay To Reduce Carbon And Costs From Your Pharma Supply Chain

Business leaders are looking closely at their supply chains to address more urgent concerns for reducing costs, enhancing competitiveness, energy security, economic vitality and addressing risks from climate change. As marketplace conditions change, industry leading companies have demonstrated that they can address these issues by reducing fuel use in goods movement. The SmartWay Transport Partnership is a government industry collaboration which has been shown to help the domestic trucking and rail sectors to work together to save fuel and money. SmartWay 2nd generation tools give freight shippers and carriers the ability to better address their goods movement supply chain carbon footprints.

This session will highlight how a market based, public private partnership helps freight shippers and carriers to save fuel and money by benchmarking their transportation supply chain carbon efficiency and optimizing both modal and provider choices. Partners demonstrate to customers, clients, and investors that they are taking responsibility for freight emissions throughout their supply chain. EPA shows how SmartWay Transport shipper and carrier Partners use new technologies and management practices to improve their supply chain efficiency and reduce fuel use and emissions. Freight shippers and carriers benefit from fuel savings, cost savings, improved information and resources, competitive advantages gained, and enhanced public relations. SmartWay Partners who demonstrate their commitment to improving fuel efficiency qualify to use the SmartWay logo to enhance their visibility as a responsible corporate citizen and fuel efficient business partner.

Tracie Jackson-Hall, Marketing/Communications Specialist- SmartWay at US Environmental Protection Agency

Tracie Jackson-Hall

Marketing/Communications Specialist- SmartWay
US Environmental Protection Agency

12:35 - 13:35 Networking Lunch & Closing Remarks

13:35 - 13:45 Close Of LogiPharma 2014

13:45 - 23:59 LogiPharma Golf Outing

Bunker Hill Golf Course (7 miles from Princeton, NJ)
Email james.hodges@wbresearch.com for details